When news of the spiderman reboot hit the internets a year ago, I was devastated. How could anyone EVER follow up the level of genius that Sam Raimi had created with his spidey franchise (excluding venom in spiderman 3)? Well friends, now I see. About two months after the reboot was announced Marc webb was locked in as director. Now, not only has this man directed (500) days of summer (one of my favorite movies...EVER), but his last name is Webb. Coincidence? We'll sure... but thats a pretty awesome coincidence if you ask me. And this past summer, relative unknown actor Andrew Garfield was cast to dawn the red and blue tights. Garfield gained a lot of mainstream attention from his role in the Social Network, where he played Mark Z-Berg's main man Eduardo Saverin. He was superb in that movie and was the key part of the story. Yesterday the first photo of him with the spidey suit came online. I think he looks pretty good. Whaddabouchu?
Suck on it Zuckerberg! |
So the new suit... I think it looks pretty good. Its a lot slimmer and thats actually a good thing. Peter Parker is a gangly high schooler, not some buff bodybuilder. Its colors are also much darker. Are they going for a grittier, more realistic tone? I dunno. Mabes. Thats mah blog for today. Keep your eyes open for my Scott Pilgrim blog. That should be kewl. And if in 5 years Sony decides to reboot the franchise once more, they'll know who to cast for the lead. This guy.
Word. |